Last Updated on August 11, 2020 by Hold the Hairline Team
The first time you notice you have started to lose your hair is an awful day.
Male pattern baldness will affect half of all men in the United States by age 50. Although less acknowledged, only about 50% of women will make it to old age with their full heads of hair intact.
But, you no longer have to let anyone know you are facing this unfortunate predicament.
With new technologies, hair loss concealers are offering a much better solution than in the past. Gone are the days of glorified spray paint. These products contain elevated science to make your hair appear fuller and more natural.
So, how do hair concealers work in the modern age and how do you use them? Read on to find out.
An Affordable Cosmetic Solution
Most people suffering from hair loss do not want to go under the knife and get hair plugs. Hair loss concealers work in the same way volumizing mascara works. You are applying a product to thicken and lengthen your natural hair. It is a cosmetic solution to a problem. One for thinning hair and one for short lashes.

In the old days, these concealers were almost painted on. They gave the appearance of a full head of hair but, the trick didn’t last long.
If you ran your fingers through it, it stained. If you got wet, it ran down your face. Sitting on a beige recliner? You’re leaving some of your hair behind.
Nowadays hair concealers have embraced the modern technology of microfibers. They last much longer and can withstand a number of weather events. You can expect applications to last from shampoo to shampoo.
While hair transplants are still the most effective treatment for hair loss they are super expensive and require general anesthesia. I would rather apply something every day than to be put under the knife.
They aren’t going to trigger miraculous hair growth but, they will get the job done without anesthesia. Read on to find out more about how hair concealers work and how to pick the right one for your hair.
How Do Hair Loss Concealers Work?
Modern concealers are made up of tiny microfibers that cling to your natural hair. The same thing that makes microfiber cloths better at cleaning helps them give you the appearance of thick full hair.
Hair loss concealers are the science nerd of hair products. They do their best to mimic the look of natural human hair.

They contain either negative or positive charged ions that react in different ways to your hair follicle. This produces a strong bond between themselves and the hair shaft so they won’t shake away.
They apply either by shaker or spray and attach themselves onto the hair you have building it up. If you choose the right color these products can achieve a natural-looking, full head of hair.
These modern solutions are also weatherproof so they won’t run down your face or be blown away by the wind. So, while they won’t last for the long term they will make it through a workday without side effects like dripping or staining.
The best part about them is they work for men and women. They blend into your existing hair and conceal the balding areas effortlessly. Bald spots and bald patches disappear in an instant as the keratin fibers latch onto the thinning areas.
How to Pick the Right Concealer
Picking the right hair loss concealer can make all the difference. There are a few things to keep in mind before making your choice.
Hair Color
Pick the concealer that is closest to your natural hair color. This is not the time to pretend to have black hair when it’s really dirty blonde.

For the result to look natural you want the fibers the same color as your natural hair. Also, pick colors that will blend in well with all areas of the scalp you need to be covered.
If you have mixed colors of hair make sure to get fibers in both to get good even coverage.
What Kind of Coverage Do You Need?
If you have just begun to notice some thinning spots you will have more options available than those with severe thinning.
Different types of hair will need different levels of coverage.
Buy a few different quality products and try each one to see which one gives you the look you want. This can take a little trial and error but it’s easy to return products that don’t work.
Which Fibers Are the Right Choice for You?
Modern hair concealers are made up of different types of hair fibers.
Here are the most common ones:
- Keratin Fibers
- Natural Human Hair Fibers
- Cotton
- Wool
If you are only starting to thin your best bet will be keratin or natural hair fibers. These work best when there are some hairs left to grab onto.
If you are covering completely bald areas it’s a good idea to go with cotton or wool fibers which do a better job of sticking onto bare skin.
There Are So Many Options, Which Brand Should I Choose?
We know that the number of options out there can be overwhelming.
Click here for our picks of the best hair loss concealers on the market. You’ll get a full review of each one and we will give you the link on where to get the best deal.